BAMBI December 2012

Chairwoman's Letter

Dear Members,

This is our last edition for 2012. This is my last letter as Chairwoman of BAMBI. For months I’ve known I needed to write this letter, and yet, I didn’t want to write it.

When we were in New York City, my husband said, “There is an opening for the position that I always wanted in Thailand.” My response, “When do you want to start packing? Tonight? Or tomorrow? ” His expression? Priceless. I love that story.

Well, four years later, when he came home to tell me that it was time to pack and go again, he didn’t get the same response. This time my expression was priceless. All kinds of mixed feelings came up. The possibility of going back to the US made me happy, but the idea of saying goodbye to Bangkok and BAMBI made my heart to drop. I guess the idea of leaving New York City was easy four years ago, as I knew I could have it back again. I will never have my time with BAMBI again. How can I say goodbye to something so close to me? How can I close that door?

BAMBI touched my life from the first day. I am pretty sure that I am not the first person, and I won’t be last one.
BAMBI has been touching people’s life for years now, 30 years to be exact.
To Mel (our patron) I would like to say:
Your guidance and mentoring were truly helpful when I took over the Chair
two years ago. Your support has helped me grow in every possibly positive
way. Thank you for all you've done for BAMBI and everything that you will
always do for BAMBI.
To the BAMBI Committee I would like to say:
I am excited about my new venture and at the same time, I am genuinely sad to be leaving the BAMBI Committee.
I have been a part of this organization for four years and I have had many memorable and enjoyable times. I would like to thank all of you who have supported, guided and encouraged me.
You are a special group of and I will definitely miss you.

To all of BAMBI’s Members I would like to say:
I wanted to let you know how much I have enjoyed being a BAMBI member.
BAMBI is a special group that supports
friendships and brings families together.
Enjoy BAMBI and enjoy the Holiday
Be well,
Eleni Petraki