BAMBI December 2012

Chairwoman's Letter

Dear Members,

This is our last edition for 2012. This is my last letter as Chairwoman of BAMBI. For months I’ve known I needed to write this letter, and yet, I didn’t want to write it.

When we were in New York City, my husband said, “There is an opening for the position that I always wanted in Thailand.” My response, “When do you want to start packing? Tonight? Or tomorrow? ” His expression? Priceless. I love that story.

Well, four years later, when he came home to tell me…

BAMBI News is a monthly magazine of pregnancy, childbirth and parenting articles written by and for BAMBI members. Regular features include:

  • List of monthly activites including weekly BAMBI-sponsored playgroups, the monthly new members Coffee morning, British Club playgroup, Bumps & Babies meetings
  • health page covering various topics of mother's and children's health
  • articles on family travel and excursions for kids in Bangkok
  • support groups information
  • tips by moms
  • children's book reviews
  • photos and highlights from playgroups, meetings and events
  • contact information for BAMBI committee members
  • and much more

Would you like to write for BAMBI? Members are encouraged to submit articles to

Interested in advertising in BAMBI News? Advertisers are encouraged to contact Finn from Scandmedia at for information.

Interested in advertising on our website? More information can be found here. If you have further question, please contact Clarissa McVey,