BAMBI maintains this site for the convenience of, information for, and communication to its members and the general public, and endeavors to keep its information up-to-date, and therefore information within this website is subject to change from time to time.

Access to, and use of, this site is at your own risk.  It is provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis.

This website contains, for the user’s convenience only, links to other sites that are external to BAMBI. BAMBI takes care in linking websites but has no direct control over the content of the linked websites, or to the changes that may occur to the content of those sites.

It is the responsibility of the user to make their own decisions about the accuracy, currency, reliability and correctness of information contained in linked external websites.
BAMBI reserves the right to change the contents of this website and to withdraw any or all content, and to impose limitations on contact accessibility and availability without notification.

BAMBI makes no warranty, representation or undertaking, whether expressed or implied; nor does it assume any legal liability, whether direct or indirect, or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information contained therein.


This site and its content are subject to copyright.  Copyright is owned by BAMBI. 

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Acknowledgement is to be given if any material from this website is used. Aside from these specific uses, no part of this site may be reproduced, in whole or in part, without the specific written permission of BAMBI first hand.

Persons wishing to obtain permission to use material from the site in this way should address their request in the first instance to the BAMBI Committee.